Sunday, March 2, 2014

Life, for our family, is about to change...

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve put a post up on my blog. I’ve been busy with this little thing called being a mother, to THREE beautiful babies. Yes, I know, I’m way behind. The last time I wrote on here we were welcoming Annie Thatcher into the world. Since then, we’ve welcomed a handsome, stud muffin named Henry. Henry was born on June 4, 2013 in our new hometown of Tampa, FL. So, how did we get to Tampa? Yeah, that’s another thing I’ve failed to update my blog on. Eliot is currently serving as a JAG in the United States Air Force. I, Jennifer Peace, have become a military spouse. Sometimes I don’t believe it myself then my husband’s alarm goes off at a not-so-lovely 6am for his not-so-lovely 7am office PT and I am reminded of this military lifestyle we are currently living in.

If you know me well, you know I don’t put a blog post up for just anything. I wait for those big moments. The ones where I don’t want to forget the feelings I had at that moment, kind of moments. Something BIG is happening to our little family of five. Really big. Really big and not so cute. Not a baby. Not a puppy. Not a new house, however that is hopefully close. Our big news brings me to tears and drops me to my knees.
Eliot is being deployed. Deployed. Deployed? A lawyer? Yes, apparently even lawyers have to deploy. Come mid April our family will have to endure a true test of faith and strength and learn to lean a little closer to our heavenly Father. 
I will not forget the night Eliot told me the news. He had asked me in the past what would I do if he ever had to deploy. My answer was, “I’ll cry.” He said, “No, really, what would you do?” I replied, “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop crying long enough to figure out what to do.” I honestly never thought he could or would be deployed. I guess I was just being naïve. The night he told me, I had just finished getting our (then) five month old baby to bed and was so extremely and utterly exhausted. I was thinking, life cannot get any harder than it is right now. It just can’t. Then, Eliot walks in and tells me not to go to bed before he can talk with me. So, I forced myself to keep my eyelids open a little longer to wait while he put the other two children to bed. He then comes in the room and lies down next to me and tells me he will be deployed. My response, “Is this a joke? You’re kidding.” To which he replies, “Why would I joke about this?” My heart immediately sank; I thought I was going to get sick.  I sobbed. The ugly tears everywhere, nose running, making loud noises kind of sob. What would I do? Where will I go? Will I stay here in Florida? What will the children think? Bradford. How on earth would we tell Bradford? My heart sank a little bit more and the sobbing continued.
Well, the sobbing phase is not quite over and I have had some pretty tough decisions on my plate as we face this chapter in our lives. We ask for your prayers. Prayers for Eliot and his safety as he seeks to serve his country, using his talents and wisdom to protect our country from the terrorists that seek to destroy us. Prayers for the children, that they would never doubt their daddy’s love for them, despite the mileage that will separate us. And prayers for me, that I will be full of faith and filled with energy to hold me over until his return.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry, Jennifer! We are sending prayers for you all! I know you have the strength to do what is necessary for your family! We love you all!
    Love, Aunt Carol and Uncle Harmon
