I decided a few days ago that I have a lot of pictures, but not enough stories recorded of my dear Bradford. So, I decided it was time for me to start writing. So, he will have these stories to look back on. So, I will have these stories to look back on, because I know I am bound to forget.
Yesterday, we took Bradford for his first haircut at Hair Doodles in Columbia. Jenni, the hair stylist, gave him toys and animal cookies as she cut his hair. She laughed and said he had the “Donald Trump comb over.” We had to comb his hair over, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to see. Poor guy’s hair was starting to get out of control. But thanks to Hair Doodles, he can see again and looks so stunningly handsome.
Later in the day, we had Bradford’s first birthday party, a nautical party. We chose the nautical theme because his nursery is decorated with boats galore, so we thought it would be a fitting theme for his first. Many family members and friends came to celebrate with us. It was a joyous celebration. Our friend Stefini, made his boat cake and even a little one especially for him. He didn’t tear it apart like I had anticipated. Instead, he licked a little icing here and ate a little nibble there but, I think he really really enjoyed it! Thanks Stefini!
Next, it was time for PRESENTS!!! I was way more pumped about doing presents than Bradford, but I’m sure that will change in the coming years. He sat in my lap as we opened presents together. He got a lot of great books, puzzles, clothes and even cowboy boots and diaper jeans! But, my favorite present he opened was this shirt…
Bradford is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! Yes, it is crazy. These kiddos will only be about 19 months apart (estimated due date of Aug.13, 2011). My brother, Michael, and I are only 15 months apart, so I know it can be done. And if I ever break down and wonder “how am I going to do this,” I can call my mom because she has already done it and she was quite successful I might add (wink wink).
So, here is to a crazy year of more “firsts” and a baby brother/sister for Bradford. Dear Bradford, I hope you will love your brother/sister as much as I love my own. Siblings are a blessing. They are your friends you get to grow up with, share a mommy and daddy with and look alike. Siblings are your friends for life!